Hi there, I do believe a well known brand is always a guarantee of some quality. That is why I advise to have a look at this trusted atn rifle scopes https://www.atncorp.com/ from ATN corp. This company is a leader in high-tech night vision, thermal imaging, hunting scopes, travel binoculars and smart optics for daily use. Plus I have been using their scopes for a year and it works pretty well for me. Good luck
Hi there, I do believe a well known brand is always a guarantee of some quality. That is why I advise to have a look at this trusted atn rifle scopes https://www.atncorp.com/ from ATN corp. This company is a leader in high-tech night vision, thermal imaging, hunting scopes, travel binoculars and smart optics for daily use. Plus I have been using their scopes for a year and it works pretty well for me. Good luck